Friday 29 June 2012

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning –The Silent Killer:

With winter in full swing, it is not uncommon to find friends and family falling ill with the flu. But did you know that carbon monoxide poisoning can present with the same symptoms as the flu? While the flu can mean that you are laid up for a few days, CO poisoning is a death sentence. It can be difficult to distinguish between the malaise, fever and weakness of the flu with that associated with CO poisoning. So how can you keep yourself safe?
By investing in a home inspection in Toronto, you can ensure that your family is protected from this silent killer. AllMax home inspectors are trained to uncover both the overt and covert dangers to your safety that may be lurking in your home. You can be sure that your AllMax home inspector will equip you with the right arsenal to prevent such a catastrophe from happening.
A sampling of some of the do-it-yourself tips your Toronto home inspector will provide include inspecting all appliances that burn gases. Your AllMax home inspector may recommend a technician to ensure that these appliances are operating properly so that no dangerous fumes are being emitted.
It is just as important to ensure that that chimneys and flues are clear and free of obstructions. Proper ventilation of your heating systems must also be in place. Burning charcoal should be done in an open space to allow the fumes to escape. It Is also critical to ensure that you never leave your car running while it is parked in the garage. Doing so would lead to a build-up of dangerous fumes that can be toxic to the health of your family and yourself.
One of the best preventative measures you can take as a homeowner is to install working CO smoke detectors. These should be strategically placed at every level of the house including near all gas-burning appliances. One should also be placed in the garage to monitor CO levels there.
A home inspection in Toronto can help pinpoint gaps in your home’s safety net and recommend strategies for resolution. AllMaxToronto home inspectors will treat your home as if it were our own. Call AllMax for your next residential inspection today!

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